Ayam Percik

Ayam Percik

“Hippo” Original Recipe Frozen Dough | “WASABI-O” Wasabi Mayonnaise | 5 pieces of chicken thigh | 50ml. of coconut milk | 1/3 cup of shred lemon grass | 1 tbsp. of paprika powder |1 tbsp. of sugar | 1 /4 cup of water | 1 tbsp. of turmeric powder | 2 tbsp. of minced shallots | 1 tsp. of coarse salt | 3 tbsp. of tamarind paste

1. Pound lemongrass and shallots then put in a container to mix with turmeric paprika powder,coconut milk, water, sugar, salt and tamarind juice. Then mix with chicken thigh and marinated for 1-2 hours.
2. Impale chicken with sticks and grill till cooked.
3. Serve grilled chicken with fried “Hippo” Original Recipe Frozen Dough and “WASABI-O” Wasabi Mayonnaise.

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