Pulut Tai Tai with Wasabi Kaya


Pulut Tai Tai with Wasabi Kaya

Ingredients of Kaya
4 duck eggs | 125ml. of coconut milk | 125g. of palm sugar | Pandan leaves

1. Mix coconut milk, palm sugar, eggs and pandan leaves till sugar dissolved. Filter with a sieve, put in a tray and set aside.
2. Steam with boiled water (high heat) for about 20 minutes or till cooked.

Ingredients of Pulut Tai Tai
“WASABI-O” Wasabi Paste | 400g. of sticky Rice | 1 tbsp. of sugar | 50ml. of blue pea juice. | 200ml. of coconut milk | 1tsp. of coarse salt | 50ml. of water | 2-3 pandan leaves, cut into pieces

1. Soak sticky rice for about 3 hours, pour it into colander and let it drain.
2. Mix coconut milk, sugar and salt, stir and divided into 2 portions: 1st portion to mix with blue pea juice and 2nd portion to mix with water.
3. Steam stickly rice with pandan leaves till cooked
4. Put sticky rice into 2 portions and mix with coconut milk (no.2)
5. Take the sticky rice which prepared in the tray by placing each color separately and steam with high heat for 20 minutes.
6. Pour the sticky rice into a square pan. Press firmly in order to cut easily into pieces.
7. Cut into pieces and serve with Kaya and “WASABI-O” Wasabi Paste

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